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Using the MAHLE iWOC One controller
If you have a Merida electric bike with the MAHLE ebikemotion system, then it will use the sleek iWOC ONE controller. It’s a neat unit that’s integrated into the top tube and powers the bike, allows you to manually control the assistance settings, read the battery level and much more by using a system of coloured LED lights. If you’re unsure how it works, this quick-start guide will help.
Powering up
To switch the bike on, all you need to do is press the iWOC controller until the light around it glows white. To power down, simply give the button a long press until the light goes out.
Checking the charge
Immediately after powering up, the LED light will switch to a solid colour and this will tell you the status of the battery and a rough idea of the range remaining. The light will then change to the different colours as you use the bike and deplete the battery.
- White means more than 75%
- Green means less than 75% more than 50%
- Orange means less than 50& more than 25%
- Red means less than 25%
- Red slow flashing light means less than 15%
- Red fast flashing light means less than 10% - so definitely time to get a charge.
The iWOC doesn’t display any more detailed information than the percentage of battery so for a much more accurate range estimation based on previous use as well as battery charge, you will need to connect to the ebikemotion app using a smartphone. The app has a number of other benefits too, including navigation, tracking, diagnostics and more.
Changing the support level
The iWOC also lets you see and change the support level. Once powered up, you need to give the button another press and then it’ll start flashing – the colour it flashes will tell you the support level. You change the assistance setting by cycling through these modes until you’ve selected the one you want.
- White means the system is switched on but there’s no assistance.
- Green means there’s a low assistance level
- Orange means you’re getting the middle assistance level
- Red gives you the highest assistance level
Once you have selected a support level, the light will revert to showing the charge status as you continue your ride. Do be aware that using the bike in a higher assistance setting will deplete the battery charge more quickly than a lower setting.
To find out more about our range of X35 equipped bikes such as the eSpeeder, eSilex and eScultura, head to our mini-site here.
You may also find these videos useful.
This video explains the difference between the eScultura and the eSilex to help you pick the right one for you.
This video gives you an overview of the entire MAHLE Smart Bike Systems X35 drive plus how and why we use it on our bikes.