20. srp 2020.

MATTS J.+ 24" tested by Singletrackworld

It doesn't always have to be the latest enduro e-bikes like our eONE-SIXTY 8000 (story here) or the eONE-FORTY 9000 (story here) for which the Singletrack crew sends their testers out. Sometimes it is also bikes for our upcoming riders and racers they are keen to look into. In our case, it was the MATTS J.+ 24" they asked to have a closer look at. With lots of interest from our customers and the press alike we were only too happy to oblige. 

To jump straight ahead, chief tester Eliza (8 years) was more than taken by the bike and loved the riding experience the geometry, wide tyres and other components gave her. 

'All bikes are compromises – kids’ mountain bikes especially so. We need them to fit, to be able to roll at least some of the stuff that mums and dads do, be light enough to climb with small legs, sturdy enough to descend with *ahem* spirited line choices, and comfortable enough to spend a while in the saddle. The Merida Matts J24 comes pretty close to hitting the Platonic ideal though. It’s got great geometry, comfort, a confidence-inspiring position, hydraulic disk brakes and it manages to look badass. As Eliza gets more confident and wants to go further afield, I might investigate a lighter drivetrain, and possibly a fork, but for now, this is her perfect ride. This, then, is the ultimate endorsement: Eliza is distraught at the possibility that it has to go back – which pretty much says it all.'

  • Loads of confidence and comfy
  • Brilliant brakes (after they’d bedded in)
  • Amazing colour

To read the full review which is now on Singletrackworld.com, please click here.

To find out more about the MATTS J. 24+, please click the link underneath the DISCOVER THE BIKE headline below. 

To view the entire YOUTH & KIDS range, please view the various models here.

For all the details on the new MATTS J. PLUS both 20" and 24" wheeled, including intended use, key components and thinking behind the new design and geometry, please click here.