Bez obzira idete li na svoju prvu vožnju brdskim biciklom ili se borite za svoje sljedeće postolje, BIG.NINE vas uvijek pokriva, bilo u pristupačnom aluminiju ili laganim karbonskim vlaknima. Za 2024. je spremniji nego ikada. Preuzeli smo koncept veličine AGILOMETER iz naše all-mountain i enduro ponude, tako da možete odabrati veličinu koja odgovara vašim potrebama. Povećali smo otpornost guma, pružajući više udobnosti i mogućnosti, uz upravljanje koje održava vatru hardtaila u svijetu full suspensiona, pružajući preciznost bez boli. Tu je i novi BIG.NINE TR model s povećanim prednjim hodom, dropper postom i robusnijim kompletom za pružanje iznimnih performansi na stazi uz minimalnu težinu.

Cross-country, downcountry, maraton - BIG.NINE je spreman za vas.


BIG.NINE je oduvijek bio idealan izbor za svakoga tko želi svestrani brdski bicikl koji ima vrijednost i performanse. Dizajniran je da bude jednako brz pri vožnji uzbrdo kao i pri spuštanju, s upravljanjem koje nudi savršenu ravnotežu samopouzdanja i agilnosti za vozače u rasponu od početnika u vožnji brdskim biciklom do iskusnih ubojica na stazi. To je glavna baza naše ponude brdskih bicikala, i iako je sposoban na zemlji, jednako je spretan kao robusni putnički ili touring bicikl.

Recept je jednostavan, s kratkim hodom na amortiziranoj vilici i kotačima od 29" uparenim s izborom karbonskih i aluminijskih hardtail okvira i konstrukcijama koje zadovoljavaju sve, od početnika brdskih biciklista koji paze na troškove do iskusnih natjecatelja.



Cross-country trkačke staze tehnički su teže više nego ikad prije, a došlo je i do eksplozije novih trail odredišta koja su otvorila svijet novih izazova za vozače svih sposobnosti. 

To znači da BIG.NINE i dalje mora biti jednako sposoban uzbrdo kao i uvijek, ali sa sposobnošću da prođe tehnički zahtjevniji teren pri većoj brzini. Vozači moraju biti u mogućnosti odabrati upravljanje koje odgovara njihovim željama u okviru koji im pravilno pristaje i također im omogućuje da iskoriste prednosti najnovije tehnologije. To znači da je osnovni BIG.NINE recept isti; samo sa svježijim okusima i malo više žara.



Novi asortiman BIG.NINE i dalje je naš 'do-it-all' hardtail brdski bicikl za sve, od početnika do profesionalaca, koji se može nositi sa svime, od lakih staza do staza za cross-country na razini Svjetskog kupa. Bicikli s okvirom od karbona CF5 i CF3 dizajnirani su da svoje lagane okvire dobro iskoriste na trkaćoj stazi, bilo da se radi o tradicionalnoj cross-country utrci ili vožnji kilometara tijekom maratona izdržljivosti. U visokovrijednoj LITE aluminijskoj verziji, može se koristiti kao sve, od prvog brdskog bicikla do robusne i pouzdane vožnje za privatne trkače. Polazna razina BIG.NINE TFS i SPEED okviri ostaju nepromijenjeni; njihova geometrija još uvijek odgovara svrsi u njihovoj namjeni kao svestranih i robusnih bicikala za najrazličitije namjene, a ne isključivo usmjerenih na brdske bicikle za terensku vožnju.



Novi BIG.NINE ostaje vjeran svojim korijenima, ali mi smo dodali malo više začina, tako da je sposobniji nego ikad. Veći razmak između guma povećava udobnost i prianjanje, progresivna veličina i geometrija znače da je sposobniji na teškom, tehničkom terenu i dizajniran je za rad s dropper postovima jer oni postaju bitan dio opreme čak i u svijetu utrka.

Naš pristup progresivnoj geometriji preuzet je s naših najnovijih enduro i all-mountain bicikala, ali prilagođen potrebama vozača BIG.NINE. Kut sjedala je sada 75,3° (1,8° strmiji od prethodnog modela) kako bi se prednji dio bicikla držao pod kontrolom na usponima. Iako je strmiji nego prije, podešen je tako da odgovara valovitijem terenu, a ne potpuno strmom stilu vožnje.



Dodali smo vrhunski AGILOMETER sustav određivanja veličine koji je prvi put viđen na našim enduro biciklima; super kratke cijevi sjedala omogućuju vam da odaberete rukovanje koje želite na temelju dosega. Opcije okvira većeg dosega nude više stabilnosti za vozače koji žele spustove učiniti još oštrijim. Alternativno, spuštanje kraće znači više agilnosti za saginjanje i ronjenje na jednoj stazi, ili možete održavati ravnotežu nečim i odlučiti se za mješavinu oba - izbor je vaš.

Ako ne želite ulaziti u svijet dosega, naš sustav određivanja veličine također je lako razumjeti. Veličine S, M i L mogu označavati kratke, srednje i duge, a ne male, srednje i velike, tako da ćete znati kako pronaći veličinu koja vam odgovara. Nema zbunjujućih kombinacija slova i brojeva - samo odaberite veličinu koja vam je uvijek odgovarala. Uz to, podaci o dohvatu su puno duži u svim veličinama, od 30 do 44 mm, ovisno o veličini okvira, što pomaže u pružanju mnogo stabilnijeg i usađenijeg osjećaja na stazi.



Lakši kutovi glave daju više stabilnosti i samopouzdanja na stazi, ali smo se pobrinuli da zadržimo upravljanje na desnoj strani oštro, a ne sporo kako bismo osigurali vožnju koja je reaktivna, zanimljiva i zabavna, čak i na blagim terenima. Za standardni BIG.NINE, kut glave je sada 68°, što je 2° manje nego prije. Za BIG.NINE TR ta se brojka pomiče na 67° zbog duljeg hoda vilice.


Znatno kraća cijev sjedala daje veću udobnost kod vožnje jer veća količina izloženog stupa omogućuje veću udobnost i povećanje usklađenosti. Ova kratka cijev sjedala povećava razmak od 40 do 90 mm, ovisno o veličini okvira, što pomaže u povećanju samopouzdanja vozača početnika, ali također daje nisko spušten agresivan izgled i stav koji se može vidjeti u modernoj seriji brdskih bicikala MERIDA. Naravno, također daje mogućnost pokretanja droppera ako želite.


Prešli smo na kratke pomaknute vilice od 44 mm na svim biciklima - one održavaju upravljanje biciklom lijepim i stabilnim bez usporavanja u zavojima. 


Zadržali smo se na klasičnoj kombinaciji smooth rolling kotača od 29", ali sada svi dolaze s gumama velikog volumena od 2,4" s puno slobodnog prostora. Oni pružaju veću udobnost, zaštitu od probijanja i prianjanje bez značajnog smanjenja otpora.


29" kotači na našem 'klasičnom' BIG.NINE upareni su s vilicom hoda 100 mm; ovo je mjerilo za kategoriju i hod oko kojih su dizajnirane najlakše cross-country vilice - i to s dobrim razlogom. Međutim, kako smo dizajnirali BIG.NINE za sposobniju vrstu vožnje, uzeli smo u obzir mogućnost korištenja vilice hoda 120 mm od samog početka, tako da namjenski BIG.NINE TR modeli mogu pružiti još više "vatre" u vožnji.


Na CF modelima s okvirima od karbona uveli smo duljine lanaca specifične za veličinu kako bismo poboljšali rukovanje, dok je ostatak geometrije zajednički. Na cross-country biciklu, vozač često mora ostati sjediti za maksimalnu učinkovitost. Proporcionalno povećanje duljine lančanika s povećanjem dosega znači da se održava fino podešena ravnoteža težine sprijeda i straga kada se sjedi u većem rasponu visina vozača, što omogućuje izvrsne karakteristike vožnje na uzbrdici i na zavojima.


A MERIDA-designed ACROS headset system that allows all control cables to enter the frame through the headset, creating a clean and uncluttered look without making structural changes to the frame, all while reducing cable rattle and potential frame scuffs.


A threaded BSA bottom bracket makes replacement and maintenance a breeze, and the SRAM UDH derailleur hanger is widely available and assures compatibility with the latest drivetrains.


To give the BIG.NINE maximum water and tool carrying capacity, we have two water bottle mounts on the downtube (holding two 750ml bottles), plus the TRAIL MOUNT underneath the top tube for easy attachment of tools and accessories. On top of that, most models feature the V-MOUNT saddle-mounted multi-tool and 4/6 mm rear axle-mounted hex key, allowing you to ride pack-free.


Lightweight aluminium stem that works perfectly with our WIRE PORT cable integration and now features the SMART MOUNT forward-facing GPS and light mount. The new attachment points allow various cycling computers and GPS models to be fitted, putting them right in the eye line of the rider and keeping the handlebars nice and clutter-free. On the underside of the mount, accessories like a front light can be attached, keeping visibility high when the light starts to fade. 


Being at the cutting edge of cross country, marathon and down-country technology, our BIG.NINE does not only reply to thought-through and innovative frame technologies and features but also benefits from the latest drivetrain technology. When every second counts, it is imperative that every ounce of muscle input gets turned into forward motion, even under the most demanding conditions. 

Some of our models feature the latest T-Type drivetrains from SRAM, combining the proven performance of SRAM’s wireless AXS technology, but offer crisper than ever shifting thanks to a radical new interface with the frame, while the extra low-profile design helps to reduce the possibility of trail damage. The new T-Type drivetrains take under-power shifting, chain retention, durability, impact resistance and simplicity of setup to the next level, all elements that fit perfectly onto our race and down-country focused BIG.NINEs. 

SRAM’s new T-Type is now available on the top-end XX level as well as the more affordable GX platform, allowing us to spec it on numerous models in our BIG.NINE range. 


Comfort and grip are two of the key elements of a modern mountain bike. Increased comfort can have a positive impact on rider fatigue, helping to keep the pressure on for longer, while increased grip helps to ride technical sections faster and with more confidence. To improve these two points, we have increased the tyre clearance, giving riders the ability to fit tyres up to 2.4”. The wider tyres will also help improve puncture resistance and traction.     



Only a fast-looking bike can be a fast bike. While the outgoing BIG.NINE has successfully set the tone for our hardtail range since it was launched in 2016, with the introduction of new features, geometry updates and increased trail capability, an updated and more low-slung look has arrived.

Whilst keeping in line with the latest off-road additions to MERIDA’s line-up, the new BIG.NINE’s design language follows one primary idea: no compromises. The new platform’s geometry focuses on maximum downhill potency without sacrificing any uphill capabilities. And the frame shape resembles this overarching topic by utilising straight lines and going the “direct way”, wherever possible. At the same time, the tube profiles have been optimised for minimum weight and maximum stiffness where needed. The introduction of distinct technical features, such as fully internal cable routing and rear flat mount brakes, help to underline the BIG.NINE’s clean appearance and consequently express its call for speed – no matter if ascending or descending.



Over the years, the BIG.NINE has been a part of the success story for many racers, from local events all the way to World Cups and World Championships. However, cross country and marathon racing have never stood still, and neither has the BIG.NINE. We caught up with MERIDA racers José Hermida, whose legendary career needs no introduction, and Gaia Tormena, a bright light for the future, to talk about the BIG.NINE, the performances it has delivered in the past and what part this new model will play in the future.


Not with the CF or LITE frames - the BIG.SEVEN is still available at the entry level with TFS and SPEED frames for riders who prefer the smaller wheel size.

The bike uses a Flat Mount rear brake, which takes a 160 mm rotor without an adaptor, but can run up to a 180 mm disc with an adaptor. All bikes come as standard with a 180 mm front disc and a 160 mm rear disc.

We use two different seat post lengths across the different sizes to match the average seat heights with the expected leg lengths.

The following saddle heights can be reached with the originally specified seat heights. Please note that this seat height depends slightly on the stack height of the saddle being used.

Frames using our CF5 carbon construction use extremely high-end carbon fibre cloth which is stronger and therefore allows us to use less material and less resin to bind the carbon fibres together. Our CF3 frame construction uses more affordable carbon fibre, but this means that we need to use more material to create a frame with the same strength and stiffness as the CF5 version. That means a frame that shares the same strength and stiffness, but at a higher weight. In mid, a CF3 frame weighs 1100 g while the CF5 weighs 880 g, making it 220 g lighter.

The extremely steep seat angle seen on our trail and enduro full-suspension bike comes into its own during very steep climbs, when the rider’s weight is pushed rearwards, causing the front wheel to lift.

The BIG.NINE is designed for generally more flowing terrain, where the rider tends to be sat in the saddle for much longer periods due to the extra efficiency this gives. While a very steep seat angle still offers benefits on very steep climbs, on flatter climbs or flat trails, it forces much more weight onto the rider’s arms, causing fatigue.

On flowing singletrack trails or descents, a less steep seat angle makes it easy to ‘micro adjust’ the weight between the front and rear tyres while remaining in the saddle. It is also for this reason that we use size-specific chainstays on the CF framed bikes - it allows a more balanced weight distribution between front and rear on flatter trails with less rider effort.

Cross-country riding and racing is a broad church. While some riders wish to keep weight to an absolute minimum, others are happy to trade some weight for extra descending capability.

As we have seen in the full-suspension cross-country bike market, while 100 mm travel has long been the benchmark, many riders now desire 120 mm of travel to help deal with more technical courses and demanding terrain. That’s why we will offer the new BIG.NINE with both 100 mm travel fork race-focussed builds or more trail focussed builds with a 120 mm fork, called the BIG.NINE TR.

Whether with a LITE aluminium or CF carbon fibre frame, these builds share the same frame as a starting point. The progressive geometry of the new BIG.NINE has been designed from the beginning to work well with either a 100 or 120 mm fork, so that the handling of either bike has not been compromised. We’ve also boosted tyre clearance up to 29x2.4" and our low-slung frame design offers superb clearance and also more comfort-enhancing compliance, due to the larger seat post exposure.


The ‘regular’ BIG.NINE is very much a progressive take on the classic cross-country hardtail, with the proven recipe of 100 mm fork travel, flat bars, very fast rolling tyres and a fixed seatpost.

It’s for racers that want a fast and lightweight hardtail for cross-country, XCE and marathon events or riders that want to go as far as possible, as fast as possible.

In alloy, it offers a very versatile yet economical mountain bike that can be used for commutes or general riding, as well as more demanding dirt sessions.

In carbon, it’s a race bike that’s ready to take on the highest levels of competition, with an impressively lightweight frame.

Both bikes have handling that offers enough pinpoint precision needed to slice your way throughthe bunch and reacts instinctively in singletrack while not being nervous on descents.


The BIG.NINE TR is the more descending and trail focussed bike thanks to a 120 mm fork, low rise bars, a more aggressive front tyre paired with fast-rolling rear, plus a dropper seatpost.

Whether you want to call it downcountry, gnarly XC or light trail, the BIG.NINE TR is for riders that still want to hammer the climbs but also have fun on the descents, with a more relaxed ride character than the laser-focussed race attitude of the regular BIG.NINE.

In aluminium, it offers a versatile all-round mountain bike that will suit anyone from younger riders heading to school the fun way to commuters that also want to hit trails on the weekend. It’s especially well suited to anyone that needs a lighter, perhaps less rugged, but equally good value alternative to a BIG.TRAIL.

In carbon, the TR narrows the gap in descending performance gap between it and a fully-suspended cross-country race bike. It allows riders to access descending prowess almost that of the NINETY-SIX but at a much reduced cost. It’s also a great choice for experienced riders that enjoy pushing hard uphill but also enjoy a bit of spice with their choice of descents.


  • You want to race cross-country or marathon events
  • Low weight and fast rolling is your main priority
  • You want maximum speed uphill and on the flat
  • You want a bike with rapid handling responses


  • You want the speed of a cross-country bike paired with the handling of a trail bike
  • You want better descending performance and don’t mind a small weight penalty
  • You want to push hard on climbs, but enjoy tackling trickier descents
  • You want a bike with a more relaxed riding position and ride feel

While they use the same frame, changing the fork travel alters the geometry of the bike. Compared to the 100 mm forked BIG.NINE, the longer fork on the BIG.NINE TR means it has a degree slacker head angle, making it more stable at speed, which is ideal for a more-trail focussed bike.

The regular BIG.NINE in turn, keeps the sharp handling response that racers want for fast-paced race manoeuvres.

However, moving to the longer fork does make the reach of the TR models shorter. While many riders would prefer a longer reach for a trail-style bike, the AGILOMETER sizing system makes it easy for a rider to size up to a longer reach while still fitting on the bike, thanks to the short standover heights across all sizes.

Similarly, the seat tube angle is more relaxed on TR bikes, but as this is by a very minor amount, it can be corrected by shifting the saddle slightly further forwards on the rails if a rider so desires.