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Cyclingnews 5顆星滿分測評: SCULTURA斯特拉.車隊版

5顆星滿分! 美利達Scultura斯特拉.車隊版榮獲知名媒體Cyclingnews的最高榮譽5/5顆星測評滿分的肯定,資深車手A. Borrill試騎4個星期之後的評語如下:
”最佳公路車級別的新標竿the new benchmark in the best road bike category”
“動態面完美無瑕Dynamically, it's faultless”
“新科冠軍車.. It's the new champion and is going to take some doing to beat”
“不僅僅是純粹的速度,騎行質感實在無與倫比 It's not just about pure speed though as the Merida Scultura Team's ride quality is nothing short of class-leading”
CyclingNews測評原文網址: here.
有關斯特拉.車隊版詳細介紹: here.
Photos by: Aaron Borrill / www.cyclingnews.com